Padma General Hospital Health Check-Up
Investigation Name
- CBC ( Complete Blood Count)
- RBS ( Random Blood Sugar)
- Lipid Profile
- Serum Creatinine
- HbsAg
- Urine R/M/E
- Chest X-ray P/A view
- USG of Whole
- Abdomen
- General Physical Examination
Investigation Name
- Height & Weight
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Physical Examination by Doctor
- Complete
- Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Sugar + CUS (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- Serum Lipid Profile (Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- Serum Creatinine
- Urine R/M/E,
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- USG of whole abdomen
- Echocardiogram
Investigation Name
- Height & Weight
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Physical Examination by Doctor
- Complete
- Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Grouping & Rh Factor
- Blood Sugar + CUS (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- Serum Lipid Profile (Fasting)
- HBsAg, TSH,
- Serum Uric Acid
- Serum Creatinine, Blood Urea
- Serum Electrolytes, Syrum Bilirubin
- SGPT, Alkaline Phosphates
- Urine R/M/E, ECG
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- USG of whole abdomen
- Echocardiogram
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- HBA1c
- Blood Grouping & RH factor
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complimentry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- HBA1c
- HBsAg
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- HBA1c
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Total Protein
- A:G Ratio
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Bone Densitometry
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- HbsAg
- HBA1c
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Total Protein
- A:G Ratio
- Urine R/M/E
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Video Endoscopy of Upper GIT
- X-ray Chest P/A view
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- S. Bilirubin
- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- HBsAg
- Anti HCV
- USG of Hepatobiliary System
- Consultation with physician
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- HBA1c
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- Serum Calcium
- Serum Albumin
- Inorganic Phosphate
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Sserum Electrolytes
- Urine R/M/E
- Urinary Microalbumin
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- USG of KUB Region with PVR 4D
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Blood Pressure
- HbA1c
- S. Uric Acid
- S. Calcium
- S. Albumin
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Blood Urea
- S. Creatinine
- S. Electrolytes
- Urine R/E
- Urine Microalbuminuria
- USG of KUB
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- Consultation with physician
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Blood Sugar ( Fasting & 2Hrs ABF)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- HBA1c
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Urine R/M/E
- Urinary Microalbomin
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Sugar (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- S. Lipid Profile
- S. Uric Acid
- S. Calcium
- HbA1c
- S. Creatinine
- S. Electrolytes
- Urine R/E
- Urine Microalbuminuria
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- Consultation with physician
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- HBA1c
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- USG of Lower Abdomen 4D
- X-ray Chest P/A view
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Serum Uric Acid
- HBA1c
- HBsAg
- CA-125
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- Pap’s Smear
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- Mammograpy of Both Breast
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Blood Grouping & RH Factor
- HBsAg
- HIV Ab 1 & 11
- Anti HCV
- Serum Testosterone Level
- Urine R/M/E
- Semen Analysis
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- X-ray Chest P/A view
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Blood Grouping & RH Factor
- HBsAg
- HIV Ab 1 & 11
- Anti HCV
- Serum Testosterone Level
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- USG of Pelvic Organ 4D
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Blood Pressure
- S. Lipid Profile
- Blood Urea
- S. Creatinine
- S. Electrolytes
- S. Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/E
- Urine Microalbuminuria
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- Consultation with physician
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- LFT (Lung Function Test)
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Serum Lipid Profile ( Fasting)
- HBsAg
- HIV Ab 1 & 11
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- X-ray Chest P/A View
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Uric Acid
- HbA1c
- Serum Lipid Profile (F)
- Urine R/M/E
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- Echo Color Dopler or, Exercise Tolarence Test
- X-ray Chest P/A view
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
- Physical Examination By Doctor
Investigation Name
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Serum Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- Serum Uuric Acid
- X-ray Chest P/A view
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
- Echo Color Dopler
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
- Physical Examination By Doctor
Investigation Name
- CBC( Complete Blood Count)
- HbA1c
- Serum Lipid Profile (F)
- Blood Urea
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Electrolytes
- Alkaline Phosphate
- Urine R/M/E
- Serum Uric Acid
- Echo Doppler Study
- Nutritionist Advice
- Complementry Breakfast
- BMI( Body Composition Analysis)
- Physical Examination By Doctor
Investigation Name
- Pap Smear
- Mammogram
- BMD Scan
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Consultation with physician
Investigation Name
- Pap Smear
- HPV DNA Test
Investigation Name
- Fecal Occult Blood
- Colonoscopy
Investigation Name
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Sugar+CUS (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- Lipid Profile (Fasting)
- SGPT, Uric Acid
- Creatinine, HBsAg, TSH
- Urine R/M/E
- Urine Microalbuminuria
- Stool Occult Blood, ECG
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Consultation by MO
- Complementary Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Sugar+CUS (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- Lipid Profile (Fasting), SGPT, HBsAg
- Uric Acid, Creatinine
- TSH, Urine R/M/E
- Urine Microalbuminuria
- Stool Occult Blood, ECG
- X-Ray Chest P/A View
- USG of Whole Abdomen
- Echocardiogram
- Consultation by MO
- Complementary Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Grouping & Rh Factor
- Blood Sugar+CUS (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- Lipid Profile (Fasting)
- HBsAg, TSH, Uric Acid
- CEA, Creatinine
- PSA (For Male) / Pap Smear (Female)
- SGPT, Alkaline Phosphates
- Urine R/M/E, Urine Microalbuminuria
- Stool Occult Blood, ECG, X-Ray Chest P/A View
- USG of Whole Abdomen, Echocardiogram
- Consultation by MO
- Complementary Breakfast
Investigation Name
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Grouping & Rh Factor
- Blood Sugar+CUS (Fasting & 2 Hours ABF)
- Lipid Profile (Fasting)
- HBsAg, TSH, Uric Acid, CA- 19.3, CA- 125
- Creatinine, Pap Smear
- Mammography of both Breast, SGPT
- Alkaline Phosphates, Urine for R/M/E
- Urine Microalbuminuria, Stool Occult Blood
- ECG, X-Ray Chest P/A View
- USG of Whole Abdomen, Echocardiogram
- Consultation by MO
- Complementary Breakfast
Address: Padma General Hospital-290 Sonargaon Road Dhaka-1205-103 Veeruttam C.R.dotto Road
Contact Number: 01xxxxxxx, 01xxxxxxxx
Last Updete : 10/01/2021
Price Will Be Changeable